Vue Js Chips with Search functionality: A Vue.js chip with a search box is a UI component that combines a search box and chips (small blocks of content) in a single element. Users can enter a search term in the box, and the chips will be filtered based on the search term. The chips themselves can also be interacted with, such as by clicking on them to remove them from the list.By implementing this UI component, users are able to quickly search and filter content, while at the same time interacting with individual chips to select or deselect them from the list This can be implemented using Vue.js and native Javascript for event handling capabilities.eretyuil
How to implement chips with Search Box in Vue Js
A “chips” component with a search box in Vue.js would likely involve creating a custom Vue component that has both a search input and a list of chips. Here’s an example of how you might implement such a component:
In This example uses a v-for directive to loop through the chip array and display each one as a chip element. The v-model directive is used to bind the input value to the search variable, which is used to filter the chips. The @input event is used to call the searchChips() method when the input is updated. The @click event is used to call the removeChip(index) method when a chip is clicked.
Vue Js Chips functionality of search and selection | Example.
<div id="app">
<div class="chips">
<span v-for='(newChip,index) in newChips' class="chip">
<i class="material-icons" @click="removeNewChip(index)">close</i>
<input v-model="search" style="width:200px" placeholder="Search chips" />
<select v-model='selectedChip' style='width:200px' @change="addChip" size="10">
<option :key="index" v-for="(chip, index) in filteredChips"> {{ chip }}</option>
<script type="module">
const app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data() {
return {
selectedChip: '',
newChips: [],
search: '',
chips: ['Vue', 'JavaScript', 'CSS', 'HTML','React','Angular','Node','Vuetify'],
computed: {
filteredChips() {
return this.chips.filter(chip => chip.toLowerCase().includes(;
methods: {
addChip() {
if (this.selectedChip !== "" & this.newChips.indexOf(this.selectedChip) == -1) {
this.selectedChip = "";
removeNewChip(index) {
this.newChips.splice(index, 1)