Vue.js Multi-Selection Date Picker with Chip UI Implementation: A Vue.js multi-selection date picker with chip UI is a component in the Vue.js framework that allows users to select multiple dates from a calendar view and display them as chips. The chip UI provides a compact representation of the selected dates, which can be easily edited or removed. The calendar view can be navigated using the next and previous buttons or by selecting a specific month and year. The date picker component is highly customizable, allowing developers to change the look and feel to match the design of their web application application. This type of date picker is useful for booking systems, scheduling applications, and other similar use cases where users need to select multiple dates.
What is the purpose of the Vue.js Multi-Selection Date Picker with Chip UI implementation
- The Vue.js component is defined in a div with an ID of “app”.
- A paragraph with text “Click here to open the date picker” is included.
- A div with class “date-chips” is used to display the selected dates as chips.
- The selected dates are displayed in a div with class “date-chip”, which is generated using a v-for loop.
- A date input field with v-model bound to “selectedDate” is included.
- The “addDate” method is called when the input’s change event is triggered, adding the selected date to the “dates” array and resetting “selectedDate”.
- The custom-date-input class styles the date input field, while the date-chip class styles the display of the selected dates as chips.
- A new Vue instance is created and bound to the “app” element using the el property.
- The data object includes properties for “selectedDate” and “dates”, and the methods object includes the “addDate” method.
Vue Js Multi Select Date Picker with Chips UI
<div id="app">
<div class="date-chips">
<div class="date-chip" v-for="date in dates" :key="date">
{{ date }}
<input type="date" v-model='selectedDate' @change="addDate" class="custom-date-input" />
<script type="module">
const app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data() {
return {
selectedDate: null,
dates: [],
methods: {
addDate() {