Vue Detect Key Press: In Vue, adding a @keydown event listener to an element allows you to detect key presses and access the key code of the pressed key via the event.key property. You can then use this key code to perform various actions based on the user’s input. For example, you can update a data property to reflect the user’s input, or you can call a method to perform a specific action in response to the user’s key press. This allows you to create dynamic and interactive applications that respond to user input in real-time, providing a better user experience.
How can I detect a key press event in a Vue.js application?
This code creates a Vue app that includes an input field and a paragraph element. When a key is pressed inside the input field, the method “onKeyDown” is called and updates the “key” data property of the app to reflect the key that was pressed. The paragraph element is then conditionally rendered to display the pressed key.
Vue Detect Key Press Example
<div id="app">
<input @keydown="onKeyDown">
<p v-if="key">key Pressed: {{ key }}</p>
<script type="module">
const app = Vue.createApp({
data() {
return {
key: null
methods: {
onKeyDown(event) {
this.key = event.key;
Output of Vue Detect Key Press