Vue Js Generate Random Id: In Vue.js, generating a random ID can be achieved by using a combination of built-in methods and JavaScript functions. One common approach is to use the “Math.random()” method to generate a random number and then convert it to a base 36 string using the “toString()” method. This string can then be sliced to a desired length to generate the ID. Another approach is to use the “” method to get a unique timestamp and append a random number using the “Math.floor()” and “Math.random()” functions. Either method can be used to generate a unique ID that can be used for various purposes in Vue.js applications.
How can Vue Js be used to generate a random ID for elements in a web application?
This is a Vue.js script that generates a random ID when a button is clicked. The generated ID is displayed in a heading element. The code uses the Vue.js framework to bind the message variable to the heading element, and the generateId method to update the message variable with a randomly generated ID. The random ID is created by concatenating a prefix, a random string, and the current timestamp. The code is written in JavaScript and uses Vue.js syntax to create a reactive UI that updates dynamically.
Vue Js Generate Random Id Example
<div id="app">
<h1>{{ message }}</h1>
<button @click="generateId">Generate ID</button>
<script type="module">
const app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data() {
return {
message: '',
mounted() {
methods: {
generateId() {
const randomId = 'id-' + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9) + '-' +;
this.message = `Random ID: ${randomId}`;