Vuetify v-select on change Event:
The v-select component in Vuetify is a dropdown select input that allows the user to select one or multiple options from a list. To handle the onChange event in v-select, you can use the v-model directive to bind the selected value to a data property and then define a method that will be called when the selected value changes.
Inside the method, you can access the new value of the v-model and perform any necessary actions, such as updating other properties or making API calls. The event object can also be passed as a parameter to the method, allowing you to access additional information about the event, such as the selected option’s index or text.
In summary, the onChange event in v-select is triggered when the user selects a new option, and you can handle it by binding the selected value to a data property and defining a method that performs the desired actions when the value changes.
How can I handle the Vuetify v-select on change Event?
This code uses a Vue.js watch method to monitor changes to the “selectedColor” property in a Vuetify v-select component. When a change is detected, the “updateColor” method is called with the new value of “selectedColor”. The “updateColor” method simply displays an alert message with the selected color.
Vuetify v-select on change Event- Vue Js Example
<div id="app">
<v-select label="Select" v-model="selectedColor"
:items="['red', 'yellow', 'green-darken-4', 'red-darken-3', 'deep-orange', 'blue-darken-4']"></v-select>
<script type="module">
const { createApp } = Vue
const { createVuetify } = Vuetify
const vuetify = createVuetify()
const app = createApp({
data() {
return {
selectedColor: ''
watch: {
selectedColor: function (newValue) {
methods: {
updateColor(color) {
Output of Vuetify v-select on change Event