Vue Add multiple classes conditionally:In Vue, you can conditionally add multiple classes to an element using the ternary operator.
The syntax for the ternary operator in Vue is “condition ? expression if true : expression if false”.
To add multiple classes conditionally, you can use the ternary operator to check if a condition is true or false and then add the appropriate classes using the object syntax.
For example, let’s say you want to add a “green” class if a variable “isGreen” is true, and a “bold” class if another variable “isBold” is true. You could write it like this:
:class=”{ ‘green’: isGreen, ‘bold’: isBold }”
This will add the “green” and “bold” classes to the element if their respective variables are true.
How can Vue be used to conditionally add multiple classes to an element based on certain conditions?
In Vue, you can conditionally add multiple classes to an element based on certain conditions by using the :class
directive and an array of class names. In the given code, the :class
directive is used to bind the class names to the element with the my-class
class always applied and the active-class
and highlighted-class
classes applied conditionally based on the values of isActive
and isHighlighted
The array syntax used for :class
allows you to concatenate multiple classes based on a set of conditions. Each element in the array is a string representing a class name. The ternary operator ?
is used to evaluate the condition and add the corresponding class to the array. If the condition is false, an empty string is added instead of the class name.
The isActive
and isHighlighted
variables are set as data
properties in the Vue instance. When the user clicks on the “Toggle Active Class” or “Toggle Highlighted Class” buttons, the values of these properties are updated, and the corresponding class is added or removed from the element based on the updated values
Vue Add multiple classes conditionally Example
<div id="app">
<div :class="['my-class', isActive ? 'active-class' : '', isHighlighted ? 'highlighted-class' : '']">
<p>This is a paragraph element inside the div.</p>
<button @click="isActive = !isActive">Toggle Active Class</button>
<button @click="isHighlighted = !isHighlighted">Toggle Highlighted Class</button>
<script type="module">
const app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data() {
return {
isActive: true,
isHighlighted: false