Vue js Array entries function: In Vue.js, the entries()
function is used to retrieve key-value pairs from an array iterator without modifying the initial array. This feature is part of ES6 (ECMAScript 6) and allows developers to easily access and work with data in an efficient and organized manner. By using the entries()
function in Vue.js, developers can quickly retrieve and manipulate key-value pairs for elements of an array iterator. The results can be viewed instantly by using the “run online” feature, making it easy to debug and test code in real-time.
The entries() method in Vue.js is used to retrieve key-value pairs from an item in array iterator.
This code is written in JavaScript using the Vue.js framework. It defines an object with a data property that contains an array of strings called “framework” and an empty string called “results”. It also defines a method called “myFunction” that assigns the result of calling the “entries” method on the “framework” array to the “results” property. The “entries” method returns an iterator object that contains key-value pairs for each element in the array. Finally, the code calls the “mount” method on a Vue app instance, which connects the app to an HTML element with the ID “app”.
array entries function in Vue JS | Example
<div id='app' class="container">
<p>Framework : {{framework}}</p>
<button class="btn btn-primary" @click="myFunction">Array entries</button>
<p v-for="result in results" v-html="result"></p>
<script type="module">
import { createApp } from 'vue'
data() {
return {
framework :['Vue','React','Angular','Node','Express'],
this.results = this.framework.entries();
Output of above example will look something like this –
This is a Vue.js code snippet that creates a container with an ID of ‘app’ and sets it to be a fluid container with centered text. The code creates an array of devices with the data method and iterates over it using Vue’s v-for directive to display each device with its corresponding index using interpolation.
The script uses the createApp function to create a new Vue instance and the data method to define the devices array. Finally, the instance is mounted to the HTML element with the ID of ‘app’.
Understanding the entries() Method in Vue.js: Retrieving Key-Value Pairs from an Array Iterator
<div id='app' class="container-fluid text-center">
<h2 class='mb-2 text-success'>Vue js Array Iterator item with index-value pairs</h2>
<p>Device : {{devices}}</p>
<p v-for="(device,index) in devices" v-bind:key = "index">{{index}} {{device}}</p>
<script type="module">
import { createApp } from 'vue'
data() {
return {
devices :['desktop','laptop','tablet','mobile'],
This is how the output from the previous example will appear: