Vue Js Convert Snake Case String in to Camel Case String: In Vue Js You can convert a snake case string to camel case or Camel Case String into Snake Case String by writing a javascript custom function
To convert a snake case string into a camel case string in Vue.js, you can split the string by the underscore character and capitalize the first letter of each word except for the first one. Then, join the words back together with no spaces. For example, “snake_case_string” would become “snakeCaseString”. This can be achieved using Vue.js string manipulation functions.
To convert a camel case string into a snake case string in Vue.js, you can loop through the characters of the string and add an underscore before any uppercase letters except for the first one. Then, convert the string to lowercase. For example, “camelCaseString” would become “camel_case_string”. This can also be achieved using Vue.js string manipulation functions.
How to Convert Snake Case String into Camel case string in Vue js
This is a Vue.js script that converts a string in snake_case format to camelCase format using regular expressions.
The script first creates a new Vue application using Vue.createApp() and defines two data properties: snakeCaseString, which holds the original string in snake_case format, and camelCaseString, which will hold the converted string in camelCase format.
In the mounted() hook, which is called when the Vue instance is mounted to the DOM, the script calls the snakeToCamel() method to convert the snake_case string to camelCase, and assigns the result to camelCaseString.
The snakeToCamel() method uses a regular expression to match any hyphen or underscore followed by a letter or number (\w), and replaces it with the uppercase version of the matched letter or number using the String.prototype.replace() method. This effectively converts the snake_case string to camelCase format.
Vue Js Convert Snake Case String into Camel Case String Example
<div id="app">
<p>Snake Case String: {{ snakeCaseString }}</p>
<p>Camel Case String: {{ camelCaseString }}</p>
<script type="module">
const app = Vue.createApp({
data() {
return {
snakeCaseString: 'my_snake_case_string',
camelCaseString: ''
mounted() {
this.camelCaseString = this.snakeToCamel(this.snakeCaseString);
methods: {
snakeToCamel(str) {
return str.replace(/([-_]\w)/g, (g) =>
Output of Vue Js Snake Case into Camel Case String
How to Convert Camel Case into Snake Case String in Vue Js
This is a Vue.js code snippet that creates an app with a single data property camelString
initialized to the string ‘myCamelCaseString’. The app also has a method camelToSnake
that takes a string as a parameter and returns a snake case version of it.
The camelToSnake
method uses a regular expression to find all uppercase letters in the string and replaces them with an underscore followed by the lowercase version of the letter.
In the HTML template, the camelString
data property is displayed in camel case and the camelToSnake
method is called to display a snake case version of the same string. The result of the camelToSnake
method is displayed in the second <p>
tag using the Vue.js mustache syntax.
Vue Js Convert Camel Case String into Snake Case String Example
<div id="app">
<p>Camel Case: {{ camelString }}</p> <!-- myCamelCaseString -->
<p>Snake Case:{{ camelToSnake(camelString) }}</p> <!-- my_camel_case_string -->
<script type="module">
const app = Vue.createApp({
data() {
return {
camelString: 'myCamelCaseString'
methods: {
camelToSnake(str) {
return str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, letter => `_${letter.toLowerCase()}`);