Vue Js Get Operating System Version: Vue.js is a JavaScript framework used to build interactive user interfaces for web applications. To detect the window version in Vue.js, you can use the navigator
object’s userAgent
property, which provides information about the user’s browser and operating system.
Once you have detected the operating system, you can use conditional statements or computed properties in your Vue.js components to display or hide certain elements based on the detected window version.
How can I detect the current version of the user’s operating system window using Vue.js?
This is a Vue.js code that displays the user’s operating system version on a web page.
The code starts with defining a Vue instance, which is bound to an HTML element with the ID “app”. The computed property “os” is defined to determine the user’s operating system by analyzing the “userAgent” property of the “navigator” object.
The “getWindowsOS” method is defined to specifically determine the version of Windows the user is running. This method is called if the “userAgent” contains the string “Windows”. It uses several if-else statements to determine the exact version of Windows by analyzing the “userAgent” string.
Finally, the computed property “os” returns the name of the operating system, which is displayed in the HTML element.
Vue Js Get Window Version Example
<div id="app">
<h3>Vue js Get Operating System Version </h3>
Operating System: {{ os }}
<script type="module">
const app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
computed: {
os() {
if (typeof navigator === "undefined") {
return "Unknown OS (no navigator object)";
let userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
if (userAgent.indexOf("Windows") !== -1) {
return this.getWindowsOS(userAgent);
} else if (userAgent.indexOf("Macintosh") !== -1) {
return "Mac OS X";
} else if (userAgent.indexOf("Linux") !== -1) {
return "Linux";
} else if (userAgent.indexOf("iPhone") !== -1) {
return "iPhone OS";
} else if (userAgent.indexOf("iPad") !== -1) {
return "iPad OS";
} else if (userAgent.indexOf("Android") !== -1) {
return "Android OS";
} else {
return "Unknown OS";
methods: {
getWindowsOS(userAgent) {
if (userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 10.") !== -1) {
return "Windows 10";
} else if (userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 6.3") !== -1) {
return "Windows 8.1";
} else if (userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 6.2") !== -1) {
return "Windows 8";
} else if (userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 6.1") !== -1) {
return "Windows 7";
} else if (userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 6.0") !== -1) {
return "Windows Vista";
} else if (userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 5.2") !== -1) {
return "Windows Server 2003; Windows XP x64 Edition";
} else if (userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 5.1") !== -1) {
return "Windows XP";
} else if (userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 5.01") !== -1) {
return "Windows 2000, Service Pack 1 (SP1)";
} else if (userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 5.0") !== -1) {
return "Windows 2000";
} else if (userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 4.0") !== -1) {
return "Windows NT 4.0";
} else if (userAgent.indexOf("Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90") !== -1) {
return "Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me)";
} else if (userAgent.indexOf("Windows 98") !== -1) {
return "Windows 98";
} else if (userAgent.indexOf("Windows 95") !== -1) {
return "Windows 95";
} else if (userAgent.indexOf("Windows CE") !== -1) {
return "Windows CE";
} else {
return "Unknown Windows version";