Vue Js Scoped CSS:Vue.js allows you to define a scoped style for your components using the “scoped” attribute on the style tag. This means that the CSS rules defined within that style tag will only apply to the elements within the component template and not to any elements outside of it. This is achieved by adding a unique identifier to each CSS rule, making it specific to that component. Scoped CSS makes it easier to manage CSS in larger applications as it prevents style clashes and keeps the CSS encapsulated within the component, making it more maintainable and reusable.
What is the purpose of scoped CSS in Vue.js and how does it differ from regular CSS?
The purpose of scoped CSS in Vue.js is to limit the scope of styles to the specific component they are defined in, rather than applying to the entire application. When a component has the “scoped” attribute in its style tag, any styles defined within it will only apply to the elements within that component’s template, and not to any elements outside of it.
In the code snippet provided, the styles defined within the “scoped” style tag will only apply to the elements within the component with the “id” of “app”. The “.wrapper” class and “p” tag styles will only apply to elements within that component’s template, and not to any other elements in the application.
This is different from regular CSS, where styles are applied globally to all elements that match the selectors. With scoped CSS in Vue.js, the styles are encapsulated within the component, making it easier to manage and avoid style collisions with other components in the application.
Vue Js Scoped CSS Example
<div id="app">
<div class="wrapper">
<p>Hello World</p>
<style scoped>
.wrapper {
background-color: #ccc;
padding: 20px;
p {
color: red;