Vue Js Set Hash Value in Url: In Vue.js, the hash property of the router’s navigation options can be used to set a URL hash fragment. By assigning a value to the location.hash property, we can alter the URL in the address bar of a browser and add information to it without having to reload or redirect. Alternately, we can also use the $router.push() method to set the hash (#) fragment of the URL. This method can be used to add a hash to the existing URL and set a new value for the hash In this tutorial, we will learn how to use native Javascript and Vue.js to add or change the hash (#) value of a URL.
How to Update hash(#) url in Vue Js ?
Updating the hash (#) URL in Vue JS is easy and can be done by using the location. hash property to set a hash value to the existing URL
Vue Js set Hash(#) value in existing Url
<div id="app">
<h3>Vue Js location.hash Property</h3>
<p>Set Hash Value in Vue Js</p>
<button @click="setHashStr">click me</button>
<p>Hash Value = {{result}}</p>
<script type="module">
import { createApp } from "vue";
data() {
return {
result: ''
methods: {
setHashStr() {
location.hash = 'basic-table'
this.result = location.hash
How to Use Vue Router’s Push Method in Vue Js?
Alternatively In Vue.js, the router.push() method is used to programmatically navigate to a new route without having to reload the page
Vue Js Route push method to change hash value
this.$router.push({ path: '/', hash: '#bootstrap-table' })
How to replace the hash value in Vue.js?
In Vue.js, the values of a hash can be replaced using the router.replace() function. The router.replace() function can be used to alter the hash fragment of a URL, allowing users to quickly and easily access different pages or components on the same page
Vue Js Replace Router Hash(#) String
this.$router.replace({ path: '/', hash: '#Bootstrap-table' })