Vuetify Change Button Icon on Click:To change the icon of a Vuetify button on click, you can use a combination of Vue.js reactive data and Vuetify’s built-in icon classes. First, define a data property in your Vue component to hold the current icon name. Then, use a v-bind directive to bind the button’s icon property to this data property. Finally, use a v-on directive to listen for a click event on the button and update the data property to the new icon name. You can use conditional rendering to display different icons based on the data property’s value. This approach allows you to dynamically change the button’s icon based on user interaction without reloading the page.
How can I change the icon of a Vuetify button on click?
This code defines a Vuetify button with a primary color and a heart icon that changes on click. The icon toggles between “mdi-heart” and “mdi-heart-outline” based on the value of the “isIconAlt” data property. The @click event updates the “isIconAlt” property to its opposite value using a Boolean toggle.
Vuetify Change Button Icon on Click Example
<v-btn color="primary" @click="isIconAlt = !isIconAlt">
<v-icon> {{isIconAlt?'mdi-heart':'mdi-heart-outline'}}</v-icon>
<script type="module">
const app = createApp({
data() {
return {
isIconAlt: true
}).use(vuetify).mount('#app'); // Mount the app to the #app element