Vuetify Clearable Input Field:Vuetify is a popular Vue.js UI framework that provides a set of pre-made components to build web applications. Clearing an input field in Vuetify can be done using the clearable
prop on the v-text-field
component. When this prop is set to true, a clear icon is displayed at the end of the input field. Clicking on this icon emits a input
event with an empty string as its value, effectively clearing the input field. Additionally, the v-model
directive can be used to bind the input value to a data property in the Vue instance, allowing for programmatic clearing of the input field using that data property.
How can I use Vuetify to implement a “clear” button for an input field that allows the user to easily delete the current input value?
The code creates a Vue application that uses the Vuetify library to implement a text input field with a “clear” button.
The v-model
directive binds the input value to a search
variable in the app’s data object.
The clearable
prop adds a button to the input field that clears the value when clicked.
Vuetify clear input field Example
<v-text-field v-model="search" clearable label="Search"></v-text-field>
<script type="module">
const app = createApp({
data() {
return {
search: ''
}).use(vuetify).mount('#app'); // Mount the app to the #app element