Vuetify Reset form Fields:Vuetify is a popular UI component library for Vue.js. It provides a reset method for form fields, which allows you to clear the values of all the input fields in a form.
When a user submits a form, it’s common to clear the form fields so that they can enter new values for the next submission. The reset method in Vuetify makes it easy to clear all the form fields at once by resetting their values to their initial state.
To use the reset method in Vuetify, you simply call the $refs property on the form and then call the reset() method on the returned object. This will reset all the form fields to their initial state, effectively clearing them out.
How can I reset the fields of a form in Vuetify?
In Vuetify, you can reset a form to its initial state by calling the “reset” method on the form’s reference object. This method resets all the form fields to their initial values. However, if you have any validation rules set on the form fields, then the validation state may not reset automatically. In such cases, you need to call the “resetValidation” method to reset the validation state of the form
Vuetify Reset form Fields Example
<v-form ref="myForm">
<v-text-field v-model="name" :rules="[rules.required]" label="Name"></v-text-field>
<v-text-field v-model="email" :rules="[rules.required,]" label="Email"></v-text-field>
<v-btn color="primary" @click="resetForm">Reset</v-btn>
<script type="module">
const app = createApp({
data() {
return {
name: '',
email: '',
rules: {
required: (value) => !!value || 'Required.',
email: (value) => /.+@.+\..+/.test(value) || 'Invalid email address.',
methods: {
resetForm() {
}).use(vuetify).mount('#app'); // Mount the app to the #app element