In this tutorial, i will share with you how to adding watermark to image in laravel 5.8 application. we will add watermark to images using intervention image composer package in laravel 5. we can add image or text as watermark on image in laravel.
I will give you very simple example to add watermark to image in laravel 5, laravel 6, laravel 7, laravel 8 and laravel 9 project. many times we need to add watermark to our website images, so we can identify this all images by our website.
in this example, we will install intervention/image package and then we will create one simple route to adding image watermark in laravel app. so let’s follow bellow step to add image watermark in laravel 5.

Install intervention/image Package
We need to install intervention/image composer package for adding watermark to image, so you can install using following command:
composer require intervention/image
After that you need to set providers and alias.
'providers' => [
'aliases' => [
'Image' => Intervention\Image\Facades\Image::class
Add Watermark to image
Here, i will create simple route and add watermark to image. so you need to add two images on your public “images” folder for testing.
make sure you have main.png and logo.png image on your images folder for demo.So let’s see bellow example.
Route::get('addWatermark', function()
$img = Image::make(public_path('images/main.png'));
/* insert watermark at bottom-right corner with 10px offset */
$img->insert(public_path('images/logo.png'), 'bottom-right', 10, 10);
dd('saved image successfully.');
I hope it van help you…