Vue Js Validate Confirm Password: To validate password confirmation in a
application, use the v-model directive to bind input fields to a data property. Create a custom validation method to compare the values of the password and confirmation fields. To implement this, you need to define a data property to store the values of the input fields, bind each input field to the data property using the v-model directive, create a custom method to perform the validation, and return a Boolean value indicating whether the validation is successful or not. Finally, add the custom method to the validation rules of the form to enforce the password confirmation validation during form submission. In this tutorial, we’ll look at how to use
Vue to check Match Password to Confirm Password.
How to Use Vue JS to Implement Match Passwords and Confirm Passwords ?
This code creates a simple password validation form using Vue.js. The form contains two input fields for the password and confirm password.
In the HTML section, two input fields are defined with the type of “password”. They are also bound to the “password” and “confirmPassword” properties in the data object. There is also a paragraph element with a red text color that displays an error message if the password and confirm password do not match.
In the script section, a new Vue instance is created and attached to the element with the ID of “app”. The instance has three properties in its data object: “password”, “confirmPassword”, and “errorMessage”.
The instance also has a method called “validateForm”, which checks if the password and confirm password match. If they do not match, it sets the “errorMessage” property to “Passwords do not match”. If they match, the “errorMessage” property is set to an empty string. The “validateForm” method is triggered every time the “confirmPassword” input field is modified by the user.
In short, this code creates a password validation form that ensures that the password and confirm password match, and displays an error message if they do not.
Vue Js match password and confirm password | Example
<div id="app">
<input type="password" v-model="password" />
<p>Confirm Password</p>
<input type="password" v-model="confirmPassword" @input="validateForm" />
<p v-if="errorMessage" style="color:red">{{ errorMessage }}</p>
<script type="module">
const app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data() {
return {
password: '',
confirmPassword: '',
errorMessage: ''
methods: {
validateForm() {
if (this.password !== this.confirmPassword) {
this.errorMessage = 'Passwords do not match';
return false;
this.errorMessage = '';
return true;
Output of above example