In this article, we will discuss the implementation of a radio button group using Vue.js. A radio button group is a collection of radio buttons that allow users to select a single option from a set of options. In Vue.js, we can use the v-model directive to bind the selected value of the radio button group to a data property in the component.
We will start by creating a new Vue.js project and setting up the basic structure of our component. Then, we will create a set of radio buttons and bind their values to the data property using the v-model directive. We will also add some styling to make the radio buttons look presentable.
Next, we will add some logic to handle the change event of the radio button group, which will be triggered whenever a user selects a new option. This will allow us to perform some action, such as updating a database or displaying a message to the user, based on the selected option.
Finally, we will add some test cases to verify that our radio button group is working as expected. This will ensure that our implementation is robust and can handle different scenarios.
In conclusion, by following the steps outlined in this article, you will be able to implement a radio button group in Vue.js with ease. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Vue.js developer, this example will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to create professional and functional radio button groups in your own projects.
Implementing of Radio Button Group in Vue.js
<div id="app">
<div v-for="item in items">
<input type="radio" v-model="selectedItem" :value="item" />{{item}}
<pre>Selected Item : {{selectedItem}}</pre>
<script type="module">
const app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data() {
return {
selectedItem: '',
items: ['Font Awesome Icons', 'Tutorials Plane', 'Sarkari Naukri Exams']
Output of above example