Vuetify Color Picker:Vuetify Color Picker is a component in the Vuetify framework that allows users to select colors from a predefined set or a custom palette. It provides an intuitive graphical interface with various features like color swatches, sliders, and input fields. The Color Picker supports a wide range of color formats, including RGB, HEX, and HSL. Users can easily integrate it into their Vue.js applications by importing the component and customizing its appearance and behavior.
How can I implement a color picker using Vuetify in my Vue js application?
The Below code demonstrates the usage of Vuetify Color Picker in a Vue.js application. The <v-color-picker>
component is used to display a color picker UI. It is bound to the selectedColor
property through the v-model
directive, which allows two-way data binding between the component and the selectedColor
In the code snippet, the color picker is set to hide the input fields and show color swatches. The selected color is displayed inside a <v-card-text>
component, and its background color is dynamically set using the :style
directive. The selectedColor
value is also displayed in a larger font size.
Vuetify Color Picker Example
<v-btn @click="colorPickerVisible = !colorPickerVisible">Toggle Color Picker</v-btn>
<v-color-picker v-model="selectedColor" hide-inputs show-swatches></v-color-picker>
<v-card-text class="text-center" :style="'background-color: ' + selectedColor" dark>
<h2>Vuetify Color Picker</h2>
<div class="mt-2">Selected Color</div>
<div class="display-1 white--text">{{ selectedColor }}</div>
<script type="module" >
const { createApp } = Vue
const { createVuetify } = Vuetify
const vuetify = createVuetify()
const app = createApp({
data() {
return {
selectedColor: '#f2f2f2f2',
colorPickerVisible: false
Output of Vuetify Color Picker