Vuetify Input allow only Number:To allow only numbers in a Vuetify input, you can define a custom validation rule using the “rules” prop. This can be achieved by using a regular expression to check if the input value contains only numbers. The regular expression pattern can be created using the “\d” character class, which matches any digit character.
You can then define a validation function that checks the input value against this pattern, and returns a boolean value indicating whether the input is valid or not. This validation function can be added to the “rules” prop of the Vuetify input component, which will then apply the validation rule whenever the user enters input into the field.
Overall, this approach allows you to enforce a strict validation rule that ensures the input field only accepts numerical values, and provides a clear feedback message to the user if they enter any other type of character.
How can I restrict user input in a Vuetify Input field to only allow numeric values?
Here’s an example of how you can implement this:
- In your Vue component, add the “rules” prop to the Vuetify input element.
- Add a custom validation rule function that returns true if the input value contains only numbers.
- Use the “regex.test()” method to check if the input value matches the regular expression.
- Display an error message if the validation rule fails.
Vuetify Input allow only Number Example
<v-text-field label="Enter a number" v-model="number" :rules="[requiredRule, numericRule]"></v-text-field>
<script type="module">
const app = createApp({
data() {
return {
number: ''
computed: {
requiredRule() {
return value => !!value || 'Input is required'
numericRule() {
return value => /^\d+$/.test(value) || 'Input must be a number'
}).use(vuetify).mount('#app'); // Mount the app to the #app element
Output of Vuetify Input allow only number