In this tutorial, i will explain you how to create quick admin panel using appzcoder github package in laravel 5.8. we will create admin panel with role and permission module, crud generator, setting management, log activities, page management and user management.
Here, i write step by step tutorial to create admin panel in 10 minutes with laravel 5.8. you can easily customize this admin panel.
It would be great if you found any good github package for admin panel using laravel. Admin panel will provide very basic requirement like back end theme integrated, user management, permission module, setting page, faq management, create simple pages and crud generator. It will help to make better progress with your project and give a basic environment.
You can see bellow preview of admin panel, so you can see how it’s looks like and it is a very simple and clean app.

Install Laravel 5.8:
here, you need to download fresh laravel 5.8 application. so let’s run bellow command.
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel adminPanel
Install Appzcoder Package:
now you need to run following command to install appzcoder composer package.
composer require appzcoder/laravel-admin
Install Admin Panel:
it will create all tables and files for admin panel, so just run bellow command:
php artisan laravel-admin:install
User HasRole Class:
you need to make sure your user model’s has a HasRoles trait in app/User.php.
class User extends Authenticatable
use Notifiable, HasRoles;
You can get more information from here: appzcoder/laravel-admin.
I hope it can help you…